

What cannot be said, can be penned



Existential Experiment

The cacophony of sounds

Drowned her cries

Or was it all in her head

As he often said

The chaos of clothes

Failed to cover her

Naked but invisible

She existed

The hunger was ever-present

The thirst unquenchable

Flesh and blood

Filled her gut, but she craved for more

The incessant humming

The blinding lights

They all drove her

Finally, over the edge

Soul Song

We had promised each other,
We would dream together
Your music to my song
But promises faded away
I got lost on the way
We put ourselves first
And together was just
Staying under one roof
I am to blame as much
As conversations dried up
The mental juice needs to flow
For the emotions to be aglow
I will find my way back
Through the fog of self-fulfilment
For the music of my soul
Needs only your songs

Musings of Misery

We keep bumping into each other
In the vastness of this little house

I found a way to your heart through your eyes
You found a way out through my tears

In kalopsia I wonder
What if I had smiled
At a different stranger

Her obsession led
To the destruction
Of what she deeply desired

While bleeding out
I realised, the chinks
In my armour
Were made by you

She taught him to love
He left her for love

When we promised each other
Nothing would come between us
We had not factored in silence

Back in time

Consciously detached from myself
I watch the drama within
How do I rewrite myself, my journey?
Without my own consent
How do I go back in time?
To repeat my mistakes, love in double shots
The lines written for me,
How do I redirect them?
The paths I chose for myself,
How do I traverse them again?
Unconsciously how do I let go?
The pain that shackles me
The cries of my soul, the laughter
Memories that make me, break me
How do I meet you again?
To keep you in that dream
From which I wished I never woke up

March Along

The road is long and narrow,
But traverse through it we must
Life is a maze, and we are meant
To get lost in the emptiness of space.
Hazily making our way, bumping into shadows
Holding some hands, letting go of some
Weeping, cheering, smiling
Sometimes just being
The screams and tears stay inside
The façade made up of smiles
Smile that die on the lips
Vaporize before they reach the eyes
But go on we must
Life is a long march
Some stop by and fall along the way
Some keep ploughing on

In God’s Garden

He knew the time was right

You had suffered enough

And he had his plans

For the rest of us

He reached down and plucked

The beautiful flower

From my world

To keep it forever alive

In his garden

The east wind was coming

And thou shall not be wilted

For a flower as sweet as you

Needed a beautiful place

The world was grim and

Full of malaise

But he wanted you

To bloom forever

In his place


तीन कप चाय

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तुम कई आदते लेकर आयी
शाम की चाय तुम ने पिलाई
बहुत ही प्यार से
एक नयी आदत लगायी

अच्छी चाय मैं बना तो लेती थी
पर तुम चाय बनती तो अच्छा लगता था
धीरे धीरे ही लग गया
वो चाय का चस्का

बालकनी में बिस्कुट लेकर
चाय के बहाने से
दो चार बातें ही हो जाती थी
जब भी तुम चाय बनती थी

मेरी चाय दिन बा दिन घटिया सी बन ने लगी
तुम हंसकर कहती रहने ने दीदी
ये चाय तुम्हारे बस की नहीं

फिर कुछ महीनो पहले
तुमने फिर से मुझे चाय बनाना सिखाया
क्या तुमको पता था
अब मेरे चाय का वक़्त आ गया था

तुम छोड़ कर गयी अचानक से
पर चाय का चस्का न छूटा
अब मैं बना लेती हूँ
चाय किसी तरह

नाप तौल के डालूं भी
अगर पानी और दूध
दो की जगह बन ही जाती है
तीन कप चाय

Ps: Written in memory of my sister who made the best tea in the whole world

The Snake & Eve

She always saw him slithering from the periphery of her vision

He slithered about coolly and never bothered

But when she walked with Adam’s arms around her waist

She felt a burning stare of the snake

Drawn to his blasé, she wanted him to coil

And squeeze out her very breath

This was heaven, sin was not known here

But the fires of his desire burned in her gaze

God knew and saw all that was going on

And he wanted them to stop

Else leave the heavenly abode

Drunk on lust they would not stop

So, he handed them the apple, like a bait

The plan was to save Adam from the partner

Who now wanted to be with another

But the snake thought this was a plan to oust him

And he let Adam and Eve take the bite

When they were thrown to earth, he lamented

And Eve was condemned to live a mortal life

With Adam, till death do them apart

She waited then restlessly for the hell

That was created for her and her slitherin

Overseas Trip

You came to me excited; you must send me you said

And waved the brochure right into my face

An overseas trip lasting 11 nights

I was excited too, to see the itinerary

But my child alone in a different country?

I could barely sleep that night

Wondering how to break this to you

Without making you hate me for it

We couldn’t afford it was the first reason

And nothing I should be ashamed of at all

And my baby even a night without you right down the hall

Would give me no sleep at all

Imagine then for 11 nights, I would roam the place

Like a zombie from outer space

Call me old fashioned and whatever you may think

But someone who is not even a teenager

Is safer home I think

I’d rather spend that fortune

On giving you something worthwhile

And why visit some country for a few days

Plan to study / stay there or run the country of your choice





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